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A sustainable work environment makes a working day less stressful and more pleasant.

Businesses contribute a very large part to environmental pollution and global warming.

The damage to our ecosystem must be repaired as best as possible. Everyone has the opportunity to live more sustainably at work and at home. It starts with recycling systems and continues with investments in renewable energy sources and the implementation of sustainable initiatives.

Sustainability initiatives

Set goals for your sustainability initiatives.

Establish guidelines for energy, water and waste consumption. These are the best possible implementation methods for companies that have an impact on the environment.

Every workplace is different. Everyone has to do the best they can for their individual company.

Here are a few tips for implementing sustainability in the workplace.

Possible for everyone:

Train employees on sustainability

Introduction of waste separation and recycling programs

Use reusable materials

Use as little plastic as possible

Cleaning agents from green cleaning supplies

Work energy efficiently

Save water

Print as little as possible, but as much as necessary

Greening of the workplace inside and outside

Innovative implementation options:

Safe paper

Pint less. Keep things digital whenever possible. Reuse paper, e.g. as a note

Reduce carbon footprint

Using technology to remove unnecessary paperwork from the accounts payable process. Companies would improved the efficiency of their business.

Team Challenges

Create sustainable challenges regularly for your team.

Green Energy

After leaving the workplace, switch off the power instead of letting the devices run on standby.

If possible purchased greener electronics.

Choose a green electricity plan from your electricity supplier.

Generate natural electricity yourself through green electricity sources such as solar and wind energy. Install solar panels on the roof if your company can.

Optimal use of natural light

Place workplaces next to the windows, possibly build in larger windows.

Natural light increases the production rate and creativity. Natural sunlight determines the body’s daily rhythm and provides us with vitamin D.

Make the most of it.

Install and replace devices with intelligent socket strips, lighting fixtures with LEDs, sensors and timers for the lighting. They reduce energy consumption and the cost of electricity bills.


Set the thermostat consistently, not too cold and not too warm.

Many companies tend to turn up the air conditioning fully when the outside temperature is getting higher.

Carbon Footprint

Reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

Sustainable vehicles and commutes

Acquisition of electric, hybrid or hydrogen powered vehicles

Companies can encourage employees to do so by taking them to work on foot, by bike, car pooling or using electric vehicles.

Encourage the provision of work-from-home guidelines.

Set up a bike rack for employees and customers. Provide company bikes including bike locks that staff can use at lunchtime, and invest in a few extra bike locks that users can use if they forget theirs.

Support Local Companies

Purchases of groceries, work materials and equipment… for the workplace, best obtained from your country. Establish an environmentally friendly purchasing policy for your company.

Recycling system for gray water

Wastewater or gray water is the only slightly polluted wastewater from bathing, showering and hand washing, while rainwater is also available. Once cleaned and sterilized, it can be used for cleaning, in the garden and in the toilets.

Or replace toilets with low flow toilets. Water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges for global sustainability.

Toilets are generally a major source of water use in the workplace.

Waste separation and recycling

Provide appropriate visual signage for each waste, recycling, and compost bin. Offer various waste bins.

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